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Proper ID

  • A valid and current Photo ID for you and whoever else is involved in the signing.

  • *Valid ID includes: Drivers License, Military ID, U.S Passport or a State Issues ID Card

  • We can provide additional witnesses for you if your document requires it with advanced notice at a small additional charge. If you are bringing your own witnesses, please let us know in advance.

  • A proper document with a clear area for the signings and the Notarization Stamp. *Please have as many “non signing” fields filled out before you come in for your appointment to save time.

  • Payment is made before or at the signing. Payment methods are Cash or Credit/Debit Card. We do not accept money orders or personal checks. We can accept payment over the phone if you are paying from out of state or paying for someone else.

Daytona Beach Notary Service is here to make your signings and notarizing as smooth as possible. We also offer indoor or outdoor seating based on your preference. Most appointments can be set within 30 minutes notice.


Please do not sign your documents that require notarization before you arrive. You must sign in front of a Notary and have current and valid photo ID. If you require additional services such as copying and printing of your documents before or after the signing, please let us know. We cannot perform notary services on copies of passports or birth certificates. If you are unsure if your document qualifies for a proper notarization, please call us. We can arrange viewing your document beforehand by email or text.

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